Hair Restoration this is permanent surgery not the self-portrait number seven if you are a bona fide fue Hair Restoration candidate make sure that the surgeon doing your fue hair transplant is the one who is actually extracting each one of.
The grafts that it is Hair Restoration the surgeon doing the surgery Steve brought something to my attention that I had no clue about and that is that and many of these su e surgery surgeries it's actually just the technicians.
That extract the hair and extracting this hair is much more difficult than you might think that it is it really requires a surgeon that is a specialist to extract those here because it is very difficult to do well.
So I've been in a hair Hair Restoration transplant industry in and out or as a patient for years and I've done a lot of research I mean I learned the hard way I made this my passion which everybody.
That watches our videos knows one thing that is shocking is that fue doctors for the most part that are specialists and only compare transmit and that offer every week a lot of them don't do the extraction on.
The tissue now let me elaborate on that the surgical part of the hair transplant procedure is required by law to be done by a doctor more importantly than that in my opinion is if a doctor is selling.
Me a hair transplant procedure but it's his hands he's got the custom work being done by him I want to make sure that he's actually doing the procedure the extraction of the tissue in the back of the head where we take.
The hair from whether it's in a linear fashion or a political unit extraction one at a time has to be done by the doctor if you do your research and if you listen to what I'm telling you do make sure you ask the question when you're sitting in a consultation.